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Changing Retirement Expectations
Jul 14, 2011The economic recession has had a profound impact on the attitudes of Americans approaching retirement age, altering expectations regarding the purpose, timing and funding of their retirement. A new "Retirement Re-Set Study," conducted by Harris Interactive and developed by SunAmerica an Age Wave, focused on the impact of the recession on America's mindset, family dynamics, lifestyle expectations and financial planning for retirement. Of course the study acknowledged the financial and emotional impact of the recession, it also that they are emerging from the crisis with a more pragmatic and disciplined approach to retirement planning. The study compares many of its
Feature: The Industry’s Message to Washington D.C.
Jun 30, 2011 -
Seniors Doubt Ability to Recover from Great Recession
May 25, 2011 -
Transamerica Study Highlights Retirement Conundrum
May 19, 2011 -
Older Workers Reach Record High
Feb 25, 2011 -
WSJ: Boomers 401K Accounts Fall Short
Feb 24, 2011 -
Where’s your money safe?
Mar 23, 2009 -
Seniors Fret Over Financial Futures, Study Finds
Dec 09, 2008 -
Retirement, Golden Days At Risk: Survey
Dec 05, 2008