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2020 HW Vanguard: Neenu Kainth

Mr. Cooper Group, Chief Digital Officer,

Neenu Kainth, Chief Digital Officer, Mr. Cooper Group

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Mr. Cooper Group was hit with an extraordinary spike in calls and inquiries from customers looking for options to mitigate their current financial situation. 

Neenu Kainth quickly realized the need for her team to develop a solution to make it easier for homeowners to request mortgage payment relief and better understand their options. 

This digital solution would not only relieve the strain on customer service but also provide a seamless experience for customers during an already tumultuous time. 

Kainth’s team worked tirelessly to develop and roll out a digital solution within 48 hours that allowed customers to sign up and eventually extend their forbearance plans. 

With 95% of the Mr. Cooper Group workforce working remotely, this was no small feat. 

In her commitment to ensure a seamless experience for customers, Kainth and her team analyzed the data in real time after the launch, collecting customer feedback and swiftly working on solutions that would further improve the customer experience. 

To date, more than 90% of customers who utilized the digital tool were able to self-serve online without having to call with questions or for assistance. Within 90 days of developing that solution, Kainth and her team had improved that offering and released 10 other solutions as part of the program, providing a complete end-to-end pandemic solution. 

Kainth never wavered in her mindset of keeping the customer top of mind. Her leadership and agility allowed her to lead her team and customers through a tough time, all the while empowering her team.

What has been your secret to success?
Remain agile — by remaining agile in your approach, you have the ability to be more adaptive, creative and resilient when dealing with complexity, uncertainty and change. Your agility will ultimately guide you to the solution and allow you to never waver from what matters most.

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