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Single family homes on the market. Updated weekly.Powered by Altos Research
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What Will Obama Mean for Mortgages?

We’ve read a lot of speculation lately about what an Obama Administration will look like and how it will affect the housing industry. We’re beginning to form our own opinions, but we’re not quite ready to go to editorial with them. Now we’re turning to you, our readers, in the final hours of production on the next print issue of HousingWire. We want to know what you think about Obama’s housing policies. Click here to fill out the survey and have your voice included in the upcoming print issue, as well as an online story in the next day or so. Remember to give us your full name, e-mail address and location in order to be considered for inclusion. Be quick, though. We’re entering eleventh-hour territory here.

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Lower mortgage rates attracting more homebuyers 

An often misguided premise I see on social media is that lower mortgage rates are doing nothing for housing demand. That’s ok — very few people are looking at the data without an agenda. However, the point of this tracker is to show you evidence that lower rates have already changed housing data. So, let’s […]

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