
Baby Boomers Prefer Facebook, Social Media Usage Continues to Grow

Screen shot 2010-03-01 at 9.21.38 AM.pngStill waiting to get your reverse mortgage company online and active in the social media space?

According to a new study from Burst Media, 47.5% of online boomers had a social network profile in June 2009. Deloitte found 46% of boomer respondents said they maintained a social network profile—an important difference from simply creating one and forgetting about it.

“Creating and renewing personal connections online is the biggest draw for these boomers,” said Lisa E. Phillips, eMarketer senior analyst and author of the new report, “Boomers and Social Media.”

Facebook is the favorite social network for boomers, as both comScore and Anderson Analytics data show.

Social Networking Sites Used by US Social Network Users, by Generation, May 2009 (% of respondents in each group)

“Boomers expect that technology will help them live longer and better lives and keep them connected to family, friends, co-workers and, eventually, healthcare providers,” said Ms. Phillips. “To fulfill these expectations, boomers are turning to social media, where they keep up their offline social connections and make new ones. Online marketing messages that help them build on their connections—and foster other online relationships—will get their interest.”

Companies like LTC Socialmark are already helping reverse mortgage lenders and other senior care providers reach customers through the internet and social networks.

Baby Boomers Get Connected with Social Media

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