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62% of Fund Managers See Green Shoots

The upturn in global investor sentiment withstood the recent large sell-off in bonds, according to the Merrill Lynch Survey of Fund Managers conducted for June and released this week. A net 62% of respondents said the world economy will likely improve in the next 12 months, 5% more than in May. Just 7% of the panel said the world will go through recession in 2010, down sharply from 38% in May and 70% in April. Responding investors express confidence in equity markets as well as the global economic recovery, despite their fears the sell-off would damage sentiment. The yield on 10-year US Treasuries rose to 3.85% from 3.09% between the May and June surveys. “Investors are currently ruling out the prospect of the much-feared double-dip recession, and have shrugged off the weakness in bonds,” said Michael Hartnett, Banc of America Securities-Merrill Lynch chief global equity strategist. Write to Diana Golobay. Disclosure: The author held no relevant investment positions when this story was published. Indirect holdings may exist via mutual fund investments.

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