Viral Shah is cofounder and head of capital markets at Better Mortgage, where he oversees financial product innovation, the mortgage marketplace and corporate nance. Shah’s experience includes consumer nance, capital markets, corporate development and strategy.
Shah led the acquisition and integration of the mortgage lender that Better Mortgage purchased in 2015, while concurrently running the $30 million Series A capital raise.
Shah built out the capital markets infrastructure for the company, obtaining multiple warehouse lines and establishing a loan marketplace representing $700 billion of annual demand and 70% of the mortgage market, including some of the largest GSEs, banks, hedge funds, REITS and asset managers.
One of the best pieces of advice I received early in my career was that a surprisingly small number of inputs make some of the biggest differences in output in life, whether professionally or personally. Focus on identifying those few inputs for the given situation (and make sure to question and understand your assumptions and constraints), maximize those inputs without getting distracted by other less impactful things, and build incremental progress on them every day. Once you’ve tapped out the impact on those larger drivers, start optimizing. Easier said than done! I’m working on it.