After his offer to swap his two-story brick house on Detroit’s east side for a new iPhone 6 or a 32gb iPad went viral on Tuesday, the seller's house sold and he's received an offer to have an iPhone 6 donated to him.
The Zillow article explained that Andreas Gindelhuber originally bought the $41,000 foreclosed home on Detroit’s east side in 2010, hoping to make some money on it as a rental property. When Gindelhuber’s tenants left seven months ago, he owed $6,000 in county property taxes. He hired a local agent, Larry Else, to sell the house. Per Zillow:
“I’d be willing to trade it for an iPhone 6 or an iPad 32 GB,” Else remembers Gindelhuber telling him.
“If you’re serious about that, I think that’s a really good idea that would make this listing stand out,” Else said.
Else wouldn’t share the sale price, but said it was less than $1,000, to a buyer who lives a block down on the same street.