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2019 HW Vanguard: Anthony Casa

Association of Independent Mortgage Experts Chairman

In the last two years, Anthony Casa has become one of the most prominent names in the mortgage broker community.

Casa founded the Association of Independent Mortgage Experts in early 2018, before choosing chose to divest his personal stake in Garden State Home Loans in order to dedicate his full time and attention to leading AIME.

Casa has been a tireless advocate for mortgage brokers during his nearly two years leading AIME. Casa initiated events, meetings and working sessions in multiple states to educate and unite mortgage brokers, along with lenders and other partners within the wholesale community. In the last two years, Casa has established relationships with top companies that are now providing AIME members with access to resources and benefits to help them grow their business. Earlier this year, AIME launched ARIVE, a complete digital ecosystem including a loan origination system with lender connectivity, point of sale and customer relationship management functions. The ARIVE system is available exclusively for independent mortgage originators.

Casa has also worked extensively to strengthen partnerships with wholesale lenders on behalf of brokers across the country, ensuring the lenders’ business practices support brokers instead of compete with them. Casa also pioneered the first-ever “Arizona Mortgage Broker’s Day” in August and plans to replicate that event in multiple states in 2020, in an effort to unify brokers who own businesses in the same states or regions.

Casa has also established a prominent presence on various social media platforms, using those platforms to push AIME’s message that “Brokers are Better.”

What one habit has made a crucial difference in your success?

“Don’t just count your days, make your days count.”

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