As vice president of business development, Jacob Guertin continually looks for ways to simplify processes for CoesterVMS’ website. His behind-the-scenes technological reporting and overall knowledge of company systems are valuable resources.
While he prefers to work quietly for the valuation management company, he’s just as proficient when speaking with its clients or employees.
Guertin is routinely three steps ahead on making upgrades and improvements to the company’s systems, understanding the technological impact of proper applications and interfaces with each of the company’s clients.
Guertin’s accomplishments with the company include collaborating with legal counsel to develop a federally compliant customary and reasonable fee calculation process. He also designed a disclosure calculator to provide lender clients instant, accurate appraisal fee quotes. Additionally, Guertin managed CoesterVMS’ direct UCDP integration, making it one of the first AMCs on the integrated partners list.
“Jacob makes system integration with our clients an easy and seamless transition. His understanding of the industry makes him a valuable team player.”