After making considerable contributions to the mortgage industry, Matt Jones left the private sector and has spent the past four years as senior counsel to Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Chairman Mike Crapo, R-Idaho. As the principal mortgage policy adviser, Jones has played a key role in drafting and negotiating several pieces of legislation that became law, including the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act in 2018, and more recently, the CARES Act and the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021.
Jones has also been the main Senate point of contact on all things GSE Reform. He now serves as senior counsel for the U.S. Senate Finance Committee, following Sen. Crapo when he moved to the committee.
Before joining the Hill, Jones worked for the MBA, where he served on the Residential Policy team. In early March of 2020, when the future of the housing market was uncertain, Jones helped bridge the gap through this unprecedented health and economic crisis. Now, the CARES Act mortgage forbearance program, which Jones principally drafted, combined with other emergency measures put into effect in the housing sector, has been largely effective at preventing the bottom from falling out.
What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?
“Surround yourself with great people.”
Matt Jones
Senior Counsel
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U.S. Senate Finance Committee