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 HW+ Master Class 
René Rodriguez on amplifying your influence

Monday, April 11, 2022 | 12:00PM CT

presented by Stavvy

For a word that is synonymous with wonderful and outstanding, the word “great” hasn’t been associated with positive events in the housing space. From the Great Recession to the Great Resignation, the word great is more aligned with it’s other definition — something that is notably large in size, which doesn’t sound remotely wonderful. While the Great Recession happened more than a decade ago, the Great Resignation is top of mind for leadership teams and team members, as you try to navigate attracting and retaining top talent. 

Sign up for this master class with leadership advisor and world-class sales expert René Rodriguez to learn more about the role leadership plays in changing this narrative.

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According to a recent article on the Great Resignation by MIT Sloan Management Review, more than 40% of all employees were thinking about leaving their jobs at the beginning of 2021, and that figure only grew as the year went on. 

So how are leaders finding ways to retain valued employees? And, how do you motivate them to drive their teams and the company forward? Or maybe, you’re even asking these questions as a leader yourself. 

Step one to addressing this: Empowering team members to take ownership of their professional growth.

This is why we’ve invited René Rodriguez to join us for this HW+ virtual master class. Think of this class a one-stop shop on what you need to know to take your leadership to the next level. Sharing a first look at this new book, “Amplify your Influence,” Rodriguez provides attainable and actionable steps that you can take to effect change in your career. From driving positive outcomes to effectively communicating your vision, combat the Great Resignation by tapping into the proprietary tools and resources that Rodriguez has seen proven results with over 100,000 participants around the world. 

This webinar is exclusively available to HW+ members. If you sign up and are not a member of HW+, you will receive an email with information on how to sign up. Or, you can become a member now by joining HW+ here.



René Rodriguez
Speaker and Author of “Amplify Your Influence”


Brena Nath
Managing Editor, HW+


3d rendering of a row of luxury townhouses along a street

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