For the past 10 years, companies have been trying to survey the real estate technology landscape to provide some level of understanding on what’s available for real estate professionals. Some have done a great job of categorizing companies and products into impressive visuals. Others have created helpful interactive lists with links to point the way. And still others have tried to provide more context by recommending who’s the “best” in each category.
The challenge has been that these lists are trying to hit a moving target. Some real estate technology companies come in with a splash and end with a thud. Some companies are acquired by much larger organizations. Some companies merge. Some pivot from one thing to another.
These lists offer a wonderful snapshot in time. But the real estate technology landscape is more like a movie. The scenes change over time. Some players aren’t who you thought they were at all. The villain sometimes becomes the hero. The hero sometimes…well, dies. So if you only see one scene, chances are you’ve missed out on some of the best parts.
The goal of HousingStack is to offer a dynamic visual that reflects the rapid changes in the sector. It’s to present the information and facts on what is happening as close to real time as possible. We’re not here to tell you who we think is better. We’re here to try to give you the most robust, accurate and thoughtful assessment of the products, companies and categories in the space.
Along with actively updating this visual so you can always trust it’s on point, over time we’ll also update the real estate technology landscape with investment data, what review sites say about the companies, and actual client feedback about the products.
Below is a preview of a portion of HousingStack.
Real Estate Technology Landscape FAQs
Why is my company not included in the landscape?
First off, we purposely did not add in companies that are focused purely on direct-to-consumer since this landscape is meant to be focused on the companies that are trying to provide solutions to industry practitioners — brokerages and agents. If you still feel like you should be included, please fill out this form.
How did you categorize the landscape and can you change my company’s categorization?
While we are actively updating this landscape, if you see any companies that need to be updated, please fill out this form, so we can keep this landscape as accurate as possible.
What if the company no longer exists, was acquired or merged?
While we are actively updating this landscape, if you see any companies that need to be updated, please fill out this form, so we can keep this landscape as accurate as possible.
Will you add more information to the companies listed in the HousingStack?
We are actively managing and updating the HousingStack. As we continue to expand the landscape, it will start to include more information on each company, such as funding, year founded, headquarters, investors and more. To help keep the HousingStack as current and accurate as possible, you use this form to submit more information on your company, along with any important changes or comments.