ReverseVision (RV) is one of the industry’s leading reverse mortgage technology providers offering a comprehensive reverse-focused LOS platform that automates the entire reverse lending process from start to finish. RV’s new APIs allow third party tech providers to easily integrate with and access solution functionality; thus, extending reverse technology to the entire mortgage industry. RV also offers a standalone reverse lending LOS. In 2021, RV set out to transform its business model to cater this grossly underserved segment. To do this, RV’s strategy is to become a Reverse-as-a-Service (RaaS) firm by offering application programming interfaces (API) that allow 3rd party providers, such as forward LOSs, POSs, CRMs, PPEs and others, to tap RV’s technology and extend it to their customers.
- In 2021, it continued to steadily grow and advance its solution set by touting at a 21% growth rate.
- In 2022, it has had a steady growth rate, and it is poised to explode effectively serving this underserved and neglected market.
Company Website:
Markets Served:
Loan Origination
Company HQ:
San Diego, CA