With Paymints.io, clients can send and receive funds directly to and from their checking account to the escrow holders’ account. Transactions that historically occur with paper checks or by exposing routing and account numbers can now be initiated securely and digitally within 90 seconds. An industry first bi-directional platform, Paymints.io allows for title agencies and settlement agents to securely issue vendor payments to real estate agents, mortgage brokers and real estate attorneys. The company’s proprietary SaaS platform is white-labeled which allows title companies and real estate brokerages to deliver a cohesive brand experience to their clients. The time- and money-saving technology significantly reduces the stresses caused by bounced checks and wire fraud.
- Within 12 months of launch, paymints.io has moved over $50 million and completed over 6,000 transfers.
Company Website:
Markets Served:
Real Estate Sales, Real Estate Investment and SFR Multifamily / CRE
Company HQ:
Charlotte, NC