In the past 20 years, Mortgage Capital Trading (MCT) has evolved from a pipeline hedging services specialist into a fully-integrated capital markets software and services leader. In the face of rapid recent changes to aggregator eligibility criteria and pricing in 2020, MCT facilitated whole loan liquidity between clients with a new program called BAM Marketplace. BAM Marketplace leverages the full power of the Bid Auction Manager (BAM) whole loan trading platform within MCTlive! for the purposes of finding alternative outlets and deals on whole loans. The primary objective is to help ensure a competitive execution during times of market stress and illiquidity. Even in ordinary times, BAM Marketplace continues to gain momentum by improving execution for key loan characteristics, finding unique selling opportunities for GSE and Ginnie Mae-approved lenders, and automating the process of helping lenders finding product outlets and deals. Since March 2020, BAM Marketplace has:
- 100+ sellers now looking at buyer executions
- 1.7 billion have transacted between Marketplace buyers and sellers to date
- Turn times for Counterparty approval averaging seven days