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Engage.talent keynote session: Amy Volas

Amy Volas engage.talent 2020

In her engage.talent keynote session, Amy Volas, founder and CEO of Avenue Talent Partners, breaks down the top three misconceptions when it comes to sales, hiring, and what you think candidates want versus what they really want.

Volas states that the universal piece of feedback she has received from all of her clients over the years is: “I don’t have a problem finding people. I don’t have a problem talking to people. But I have a really big problem finding the right people for the stage that I’m at and the business that I’m doing, and I have a problem hanging on to them.

“I’m a big believer that it’s important to hire the right people, but it’s also equally important to carry them forward so that you hang on to them for the test of time,” she said.

Watch the full session with Amy Volas below to hear her advice on how to ensure your team stands the test of time. To go back to the full engage.talent 2020 on demand summit, go here

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HousingWire also just announced its third annual summit around The Agile Marketer theme. With the news, the team is also excited to announce the switch to a completely online experience. For more information on the summit, go here.

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