Tony Thompson founded the National Association of Minority Mortgage Bankers of America in 2016 with a vision to positively grow, develop and improve the industry by introducing women and minorities to the industry and investing in America’s youth to make them the leaders of tomorrow.
Every year since inception, Thompson has grown NAMMBA not only in presence and branding, but in chapters and members across the U.S. and in recognition and corporate sponsorship by some of the industry’s largest organizations. He created a formal strategic partnership with the Mortgage Bankers Association to collaborate on certain conferences and meetings and to produce industry advocacy and research designed to further a diverse workforce, including recruitment and professional development scholarships.
He also signed a memorandum of understanding with the National Association of Women in Real Estate Business to create a new collaborative initiative aimed at making the industry more diverse and inclusive. Under Thompson’s leadership, NAMMBA launched an initiative called “Mission 2025” in which the company will connect with 50,000 students to bring them into the mortgage profession. It will seek more Millennials, minorities, and women. Thompson is also working to develop relationships with more than 500 colleges nationwide.
He plans to establish NAMMBA chapters on college campuses and bring in industry speakers, partners and stakeholders to talk with students. Thompson has served as vice president of growth and strategy at Silverton Mortgage Specialists, where he ensures the company focuses on finding the right people to take the business to the next level. Over the course of the year, the company has grown from 150 to 300 employees.
What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
Show me who you associate with and I will tell you who you are. Associate and surround yourself with the people you wish to emulate and before you know it, it will be your turn to pass on the character and wisdom.