Thomas Cronkright, Cofounder and CEO, CertifID
From fraud victim to real estate industry catalyst, Thomas Cronkright has pioneered a nationwide campaign to combat wire fraud.
His company, CertifID, has safeguarded more than $20 billion in real estate money transfers since its launch in 2018—protecting home buyers, sellers and the title and escrow professionals that conduct these transactions.
In addition to leading CertifID and his title agency, Sun Title, Cronkright spends countless hours volunteering on industry committees; leading corporate training, industry panels and webinars on wire fraud; and speaking to professional organizations to raise awareness of the devastating effects of wire fraud.
He has become one of the real estate industry’s leading experts on wire fraud and money-muling strategies, ways to prevent and recover wire fraud losses and business email compromise and social engineering schemes that lead to fraud.
Cronkright cares not only for his customers and employees, but for everyone involved in real estate transactions. He has achieved numerous accomplishments over the last 12 months.
Cronkright was appointed as a member of American Land Title Association’s Information Security Task Force. He led more than 25 national webinars on wire fraud, cybersecurity and technology to more than 3,000 real estate industry professionals. Cronkright also worked with the Secret Service to assist in eight fraud recoveries. He worked to develop “Money Transfer Insurance,” the first-ever direct-to-consumer policy to protect the safe transfer of funds.
Under Cronkright’s leadership, Sun Title was awarded “101 Best and Brightest Companies to Work For.”
What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
“Never complain, never explain.” This advice promotes a hyper-focus on the positive things that each day brings and the unmitigated discipline required to add value to your team and customers. Our team is solving the largest problem in real estate – I’m proud to be part of this journey.