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2020 HW Insider: Colleen Teears

Radian Senior Vice President, Director of Administration

Colleen Teears

Under Colleen Teears’ leadership, Radian takes business continuity and emergency management extremely seriously and was fully prepared to transition to remote work long before it became necessary this past spring.

In the last year alone, Teears recruited two leaders to manage business continuity and emergency management and facilities. And while many companies’ business continuity and emergency management plans tend to get a little dusty and outdated, Teears has always made sure they are actively updated through continual collaboration with all relevant parties. Teears has worked over the years to ensure that her preparedness teams reflect diverse perspectives and have total buy-in from the company’s senior leadership. All of that groundwork proved invaluable during the COVID-19 pandemic. Radian’s business partners and staff have universally noted how well the company has operated during this challenging time. Although it was the result of a team effort, it couldn’t have happened without Teears.

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